Chicago, during the Cold War between The United States and Russia, was a gritty place. Steel production and car making industries dominated the far south side, and the Chicago Stock Yards polluted the air and water with offal from thousands of cows that were slaughtered there each day. Coal smoke and ash polluted the skies and Dutch Elm Disease destroyed trees leaving barren streetscapes. What was left was a depressing, harsh and gray setting in which daily battles ensued. Residential areas of working class people abutted the factories and warehouses where they worked. Race, ethnicity and class strictly defined every neighborhood. Venturing out of your locale often involved risk, especially for blacks and Hispanics. Other ethnic groups, Italian, Irish, Appalachian, Polish and a variety of other European descendants fought vigorously for a piece of the pie. Turffer #13 is a recounting of episodes of running the streets of Chicago during those days.
Turffer #13: Confessions of a Cold war Chicago Street Punk: eBook
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